Sharing the Universe: Perspectives on Extraterrestrial Life.
Shostak Seth
Berkeley Hills Books, 1998 review
Enfants du soleil.
Brahic André
Odile Jacob, 1999
Protostars and Planets IV
Edited by V. Mannings, A.P. Boss, and S.S. Russell
University of Arizona Press, 2000
Special issue of Icarus, Volume 143, Number 1, January 2000
Vince Mannings, Alan Boss, and Sara Russell Eds.
L'environnement de la Terre primitive
Gargaud M., Despois D. & Parisot P.-P.
Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2001
Fitness of the cosmos for life: Biochemistry and fine-tuning
John Barrow, Simon Morris, Stephen Freeland and Charles Harper, eds.
Cambridge University Press, in press.
Na senda dos seres vivos: da terra às estrelas
Raulin-Cerceau Florence, Léna Pierre and Schneider Jean
Instituto Piaget, Lisboa, Portugal, 2005
ISBN 972-771-752-7
Planetary systems in the universe : observation, formation and
Proceedings of the 202nd symposium of the International
Astronomical Union, Manchester,
United Kingdom, August 7-10, 2000
(ASP), 2004.
Penny Alan,
Artymowicz Pawel,
Lagrange, Anne-Marie &
Russell Sara Eds
Sur les traces du vivant: de la Terre aux étoiles.
F. Raulin-Cerceau, P. Léna & J. Schneider Eds.
Editions Le Pommier, 2002
ISBN 2 7464 0089 2 - 300 pages Content
Solar and extra-solar planetary systems
Lectures held at the
Astrophysics School XI organized by the European Astrophysics Doctoral
Network (EADN) in The Burren, Ballyvaughn, Ireland, 7-18 september 1998
Williams and Thomas Eds.
Lecture notes in physics; 577
The Search for Extraterrestrial Life: Recent Developments
Proceedings of the Symposium IAU 112, Boston University, MA,
June 18-21, 1984
M. Papagiannis (Ed.)
Reidel, 1984 abstract
The Search for Extra-Solar Terrestrial Planets :
Techniques and Technology
Proceedings of a
Conference Held in Boulder, Colorado, May
14-17, 1995
Shull, J. M., Thronson, Harley A. &Stern, Alan Eds.
Kluwer 1997 content
Qualitative and quantitative behaviour of planetary systems
Levy E. & Lunine J. (Eds.)
University of Arizona Press, 1993 abstract
Protostars and planets II
D. Black & M. Matthews(Eds.)
University of Arizona Press, 1985 abstract
Progress in the Search for Extraterrestrial Life
IAU Commission 51
ed. G. Seth Shostak
ASP Conference Series no. 74, 1996
Planets Outside the Solar System : Theory and Observations
(NATO Asi Series. Series C, Mathematical and Physical
Sciences, Vol 532)
J.M. Mariotti and D. Alloin Eds.
Kluwer 1999 ISBN: 0792357086 Book Description